Most vendors offer a steeper discount when you buy in bulk and order several boxes at once. Shop around at big-box retailers and online merchants for the best price. Yes, they might give you the first few for free, but after that, they tend to come at a price. It may seem counterintuitive, but banks are typically the most expensive place to order checks. If you need more than that, here are a few tips for buying checks on the cheap:

In many cases, you can obtain a small number of personal checks for free from your bank. For printed checks to meet industry standards, you’ll need a specialized printer with magnetic ink, check-printing software and check stock paper. There’s no law preventing you from printing your own checks, but don’t be surprised if banks and merchants don’t accept your homemade versions. But if you’re shopping outside of the recommendations in this article, check that any retailer you purchase checks from is compliant with the Consumer Product Safety Act. If you’re wondering whether or not it’s safe to order checks online, the answer is yes.

Several nationwide retailers, including Costco, Office Depot, Sam’s Club and Walmart also sell personal checks. You can order checks from banks, credit unions and other financial institutions.